Embark on an adventure through the enigmatic world of an immersive game where you'll step into the shoes of Susanto, a young fisherman cast away on a desolate island. As you awaken in this strange place, you'll begin a quest to uncover the mystifying circumstances that have left the island and its inhabitants in a state of despair.
Wielding a bamboo stick bestowed upon you by the wise Guru, you are charged with battling spectral entities that haunt the island. Your mission is to reclaim the precious Heirloom Keris, a relic long concealed by the phantoms, and restore peace to the once-flourishing community.
Expect to face challenges and engage in combat with restless spirits that stand between you and the secret of the island's affliction. Harness your courage and strategy to combat supernatural forces and experience the gripping tale of resilience.
The game provides a compelling storyline blended with action-packed gameplay, ensuring a rewarding experience filled with intrigue and excitement. Designed to captivate those who appreciate nuanced storylines and intense encounters with the otherworldly, the game invites you to dive into this unsettling yet intriguing realm and take on the role of the island's savior.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 4.4 or higher required
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